- What is an Arborist?
An Arborist is a person who is trained in the field of Arboriculture and who has a sound
knowledge of tree anatomy and biology as well as being competent in a range of professional
arboricultural practices. In terms of qualifications Star Tree Services Pty. Ltd. believes
that to be called a Qualified Arborist one must have a qualification of at least Level 4
attained at a recognised training institution.
- Why should I choose an Arborist?
People wishing to undertake arboricultural works on their property are encouraged to engage the
services of a qualified Arborist as they are experienced in dealing with potentially dangerous
situations such as the lowering of large limbs or the removal of a hazardous tree. They are also
able to prune trees in accordance with their natural biology which is one of the key components
of good arboricultural practice.
- How far does a tree's root system extend?
The above ground part of a tree depend on the root system for anchorage, absorption of water and
mineral nutrients, the storage of energy reserves and the synthesis of certain organic compounds.
Given the physical size of trees one can then appreciate that the size of a root system that can
perform all these tasks is considerable. Tree roots therefore extend past the edge of its canopy
for considerable distances. This distance is dependant on the surrounding environmental conditions
and/or physical barriers. A tree's root system is also (by and large) confined to the top 1000mm
of soil with a large percentage in the top 600mm.
- When do I treat my Elm against attack from Elm Leaf Beetle?
Soil injections to treat Elm Leaf Beetle should be undertaken in late winter/early spring. The exact
timing will be dependant upon the environmental conditions of the area (particularly temperature)
however should be done when it is noticeable that the tree is emerging from its winter dormancy e.g.
the swelling or opening of leaf and/or flower buds. This is a sign that the tree's root system is
active and is therefore capable of absorbing water and mineral nutrients.
- Is a leaning tree unstable?
Just because a tree's trunk leans does not necessarily mean that it is unstable. A tree may have
developed a lean as it has grown which suggests that its root system has compensated for its
unbalanced weight distribution. Trees that develop a sudden lean as a result of adverse weather
conditions such as strong winds may be of concern. Either way each situation of a leaning tree
should be taken on its merits and should be assessed by a qualified Arborist.
- Is Star Tree Services insured?
Star Tree Services Pty. Ltd. is fully covered under public liability ($10,000,000) and
professional indemnity ($5,000,000) insurance.
- At what time of year should formative pruning works be performed?
Both deciduous and broad-leaved evergreen trees should ideally be pruned in the winter months
as this is the time of minimal physiological activity and pruning will therefore have the least
impact of subsequent growth and development.
- How do I know what trees are suitable to plant in my garden?
Trees to be planted in any landscape should be selected with the long term future in mind and
should be selected for a particular purpose such as screening or shade. They should be selected
based on their potential physical size as well as their tolerance to the surrounding environmental
conditions e.g. direct sunlight, natural rainfall or soil conditions. If unsure which species are
suitable for your particular needs, seek the advise of a qualified horticulturalist or
arboriculturalist. Ideally they should visit the site in person so as they can assess the site and
make a more informed decision for hopefully the tree that is selected will remain there for the
duration of its natural life cycle which may be several decades.
Business Hours
Mon - Fri 8.00 am – 4.30 pm
Tel: (03) 5783 3170
Fax: (03) 5783 3035